Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Train the details

In my opinion, two of the most important things to train your dog before showing are ring entrances and setups. I also consider removing the dog's lead as part of a ring entrance if showing in Open and Utility.

The next time you are at a show, sit and watch these two specific items. Who walks into the ring with an attentive, focused dog? What is their body language saying to the judge? Who moves easily between exercises, setting up efficiently and quickly for the next exercise?  

These two items are not subject to judging (unless the handler has difficulty or delays the ring, then the judge can mark them below the line), but they need to be trained just like any other exercise. Obviously, dogs are different...some need to be formally heeled between exercises, while some need a chance to disconnect briefly and allowed to refocus. Some dogs need a spin or hand touch while moving to the next exercise. 

Take the time to teach these skills, so your dog will know exactly what is expected on show day. Teach your dog some stress relieving behaviors in case you need them to use them between exercises (spins, hand touches, bounces, front feet up on handler). These need to be practiced and reinforced OFTEN, not just taught, then forgotten.  In practice, these behaviors (after taught) should be required. Meaning, that if I tell my dog to put his front feet up on me, he must do it. If I tell him to do a hand push, he must get into position and push. 

While training, don’t forget the perfect picture in your mind. My “picture” includes speed, effort and precision. So, if I call my dog to setup, I require that he does it quickly and accurately. Anything that does not meet my expectations is addressed. Require 100% in practice, because you will probably only get 90% in the ring. Consistency is extremely important. Decide what you want from your dog and reinforce it. Every....single....time. No exceptions!

Your ring entrance sets the tone for the entire run. The judge’s first impression of a team is extremely important. It is your job to make sure it is the best impression possible.

Happy training!

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